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Onsite Tethered Balloon Rides

Floating high above the crowd....tethered rides will be available this year. A tethered ride is when the balloon lifts off the ground, hovers 20-30 feet above the ground for several minutes, but does not launch and fly away.
Sales will be offered Thursday PM, Friday PM, Saturday AM, Saturday PM, and Sunday AM, weather permitting on a first come first serve basis and at the individual pilot's discretion.
One balloon will be doing tethered rides, and can accommodate 10-12 people (depending on height and weight).

Tickets only available for purchase onsite - Cash Only
Adults - $30
Children 6-12 years old - $20
Every passenger will have to sign a waiver
Passengers must be at least 6 years old and see over the Balloon Basket. Anyone under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a parent / legal guardian and they must sign a release for the child. There is no minimum height requirement. Adults are NOT permitted to hold a child in their arms during the tethered ride.
All passengers must be in good health. If you are pregnant, recently released from the hospital, have current broken bones or casts, you will not be able to qualify to purchase a ride. These balloons are not certified by the FAA to carry wheelchairs.
Listen for announcements from the Main Stage on when tethered rides will open and close.

Rides that fly away from the park are NOT offered. Only Tethered Rides are offered, weather permitting, when balloons are in the park.

Tethered Ride 
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